Hermana Bennett has a sister, Britton, who is also going a mission - to the Virginia Richmond Mission. She leaves July 3, just two weeks after Hermana Bennett (Shae) left.
Click on the link below to see Britton's Blog (she won't be 'Sister' Bennett for another 10 days). http://brittonsmission.blogspot.com

Click on the link below to see Britton's Blog (she won't be 'Sister' Bennett for another 10 days). http://brittonsmission.blogspot.com

Can you believe Britton didn't want to put on the hat for the second picture?
...And Hermana Bennett defended her opinion.
Shae already had her application for a mission planned for her 21st birthday when President Monson announced the age change. The announcement only resulted in her leaving about 3 months earlier than orignally planned, just before her 21st birthday. Britton was one of the ones you heard about that was texting all of her friends seconds after the announcement - all excitedly making new, immediate plans. Thanks to the announcment, Britton is leaving about three months after her 19th birthday! Thinking of the moment of the announcement still has a very strong effect on all of us. As a result of weekly sealings our ward has been doing as part of something we call 'The Elijah Project', as soon as they recieved thier endowments, some girls had a chance to do sealings with Sister Elaine Dalton (whose husband frequently performs the sealings). It was an incredible experience. She has explained how she had the privelege of being part of seeing the Lord create this movement in preparing young women for this incredible change that has so significantly affected the lives of so many sister missionaries, now going into the field. It is almost incomprehensible the change it will have on the lives of Heavenly Father's children, unknowingly waiting for the arrival of all these new missionaries all around the world.
With her final hug in the temple, Sister Dalton's final message was:
"Give them HEAVEN!!".
Go do it sisters...